Now double-click "NcsDummy.exe" in "C:\NCSDummy\". Create a new folder "NCSDummy" on your C: drive, download the latest NCS Dummy version from this thread and extract the downloaded archive to that folder. If you have multiple user accounts, make sure you are logged in as the user that will be using NCS Dummy and NCS Expert. Delete both "NcsDummy.exe" and "Translations.csv". Did you perhaps install NCS Dummy from a different user account than you are now using? If you don't know how to set file permissions in Windows, just start over.

It seems the user the NCS Dummy process runs under does not have enough authority to read the "Translation.csv" file. By default NCS Dummy looks for these files in "C:\NCSEXPER\DATEN\", but if you installed NCS Expert in a different folder you must specify the path manually. BOBS750il: The second error simply means that you have to set the correct path to the NCS Expert DATEN folder on the "Options" tab.